In April we had a conference in Vancouver that Jeremy and I spoke at. While we were there we did some sightseeing. These pictures aren't as good as the ones on my other camera, so they don't really show how beautiful this place is.
We got to go to Lasqueti Island where Jeremy's Grandma Lawlor was born. It was so fun to go to the island with the folks, and Ryan and Julie. It was really cool to see all the places Grandma remembers so fondly from her youth. Jeremy even did a little geo-caching while on the island. That was cool. Our driver Barry was pretty impressed that Jeremy found it. Sitting on a bench outside of the teapot house on a bench Barry built in the tree. The house in Copley cove. absolutely beautiful. New owners call it Driftwood cove now I think. In the community center. That's Lasquiti. Another geo-cache, while we wait for the ferry. It worked out so well that we were there the last weekend of the temple openhouse and were able to go. It was very beautiful. Then two weeks later we didn't want the kids to miss an opportunity to see the Gila Valley Temple open house, so we went as a family and with Tara and Chad. All the kids had a great time in the pool. Taylor still talks about the pool that was in the hotel. And a little more geo- caching. We have to introduce everyone to it while we have such good weather. Its fun to drive around and see places you wouldn't normally look for and yet you have a purpose. The Gila valley Temple was very similar to the Vancouver temple. Both beautiful. End of the year awards. So proud of Ella, straight A's, a trophy for principals list. Good job sister. My mothers day gift, Glee concert, was such a surprise and soo fun. Fathers and sons. Taylor and Caden had a great time with their Daddy. I'm so glad they get to go camping with Dad at least once a year and have these great memories.